Rose and Thorn

Well honestly I have had no thorns which I am really happy about. I have at least a dozen roses though. One being of course waking up. Another is being about going to school and learn and read and write unlike some third world countries. I also have freedom of religion and freedom of speech which are great things and fill my life completely. Women rights another great rose in the dozen. I have to say my entire life in and of itself is a rose. I have amazing friends and family. I have nothing to complain about.

My friend next door is an eighth grader and everyone thinks she is my sister and she’s not but I am happy because she has started coming to church with me. I am also happy because I have been pulling a blank on what to draw and I just finish an art piece last night. I have also memorized and finally found a favorite poem which of course I sat down and tried to analyze to find what it means to me. I also added the poem to an older art piece. I also started dating someone which is fine. I honestly have nothing to complain about same old same old.


Bad song but I had an urge to draw and this is what happened.
Bad song but I had an urge to draw and this is what happened.

One thought on “Rose and Thorn”

  1. Keep up the positivity crystal, I’m glad that your life is going really well. I love you positivity so far and how you don’t leave room for any negativity in your life. I’m really happy for you! I really miss hanging out we should plan something to do sometime.


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