Rose and Thorn

Well honestly I have had no thorns which I am really happy about. I have at least a dozen roses though. One being of course waking up. Another is being about going to school and learn and read and write unlike some third world countries. I also have freedom of religion and freedom of speech which are great things and fill my life completely. Women rights another great rose in the dozen. I have to say my entire life in and of itself is a rose. I have amazing friends and family. I have nothing to complain about.

My friend next door is an eighth grader and everyone thinks she is my sister and she’s not but I am happy because she has started coming to church with me. I am also happy because I have been pulling a blank on what to draw and I just finish an art piece last night. I have also memorized and finally found a favorite poem which of course I sat down and tried to analyze to find what it means to me. I also added the poem to an older art piece. I also started dating someone which is fine. I honestly have nothing to complain about same old same old.


Bad song but I had an urge to draw and this is what happened.
Bad song but I had an urge to draw and this is what happened.

Hitting Rock Bottom… Not.

Honestly found this to be a very personal thing for me. So I’m not going to share an experience, I’m going to share more my belief of hitting rock bottom. Honestly there have been many times when I have felt like I had hit rock bottom but then things would turn around and get worst or a different situation would come up. I think you hit rock bottom once in your life where you just say I need to change my act. For me though I figured out that when that day comes I will know because so far things have been good in certain parts but horrible in other parts.

You can definitely have different levels in which you hit rock bottom though. For me being the person I am would say rock bottom has not come yet and it will be very difficult for me to reach that point in my life because I see myself as a strong person just from past experiences. Then someone else who hasn’t been though things I have may find themselves in that situation and that will be their rock bottom. It all just depends, in my book, because everyone has their own limit.

My Spring Break

I went to Florida with my best friend and got to meet her amazing grandparents. They were super nice and funny. We went and saw Do You Believe? We also went to the beach in Cape Coral and got really burnt but I’m not upset about that because I will tan out but they way I burnt will leave me with a funky looking tan line. It was also my first time ever seeing the ocean and a palm tree. We went putt putt golfing and go kart racing. One day we went to Babcock Ranch which has over 90,000 acres of land and saw alligators. Then one our final day we went to Applebee’s which was the first time I went there and it was amazing. Then we came home and had to stay the night at a hotel which we were going to stay at this other place but there was only one car at and my friend had to mention The Shining.

One thing that bothered me was the people down there though. The old people were mean and rude. My friend went to a tennis court at where her grandparents live and they told her she had to wear flats and not tennis shoes on the court. At the pool they were starring us down because we were young. A rule they had there was no boisterous activity I had no idea what that meant until I looked it up. Then the day before we left this guy and his wife started randomly talking about how he was accused of being a racist bus driver. Well they people down there were okay but the activities to do down there were definitely better.


I remember actually a few weeks ago I went to the Science Museum with my friend and her boyfriend and after we went to the waterfront. When we were at the waterfront a homeless guy with a cart came by and I took whatever money I had on me and without even thinking about it I went up and gave it to him. He then said thank you and asked me my name and a few other questions and pointing out that we were all young and shook my hand. He then went over to the car were my two friends were, and I was a little nerve never had met such a nice homeless person, and he asked there names and shook there hand. I was completely heartbroken. He was such a nice man that was completely out going and his name will forever be written on my heart: Damen. I hope I see him again and I hope that next time I could do more for him.

I actually have started Mrs. English’s challenge but I will not be doing it for the prize because I feel doing random acts of kindness and taking pictures completely defeats the purpose so I am not taking pictures. It definitely is a great idea though to get people to see how much of a difference they can make. I am definitely not saying that taking pictures is a bad thing it’s just my personal opinion and my morals that are taking me out of this challenge even though I’m still doing it.

Valentines Day

For valentines day my mom and I went to Texas Road house for her birthday. I got her season nine of NCIS and a dozen roses. I love my mom very much and I love to spend time with her. I’m so happy that every year she is my valentine. She is there for me when ever I need her.

Now that I am 16 it does get somewhat depressing not having a boyfriend/valentine sometimes. Especially when you go to school and everyone is kissing each other and hold hands and smiling and exchanging presents. So I made a back up plan this year I got myself a cute Valentines Day gift and watched Dirty Dancing with Patrick Swayze in it. What a great movie then I watched Safe Haven and it was good to but even more depressing. Lets just say cute couples in high school when you are single and lonely is very depressing.

Lets be Fair and Not Compare

I think that when you are on social media you care the most and the least. What I mean by caring the most is seeing what others do and trying to out beat it and put something more extravagant. What I mean by care the least is people aren’t face to face and they seem to get a lot of courage and say things they don’t completely mean or handle their conflict through messaging. They sometimes post things to attack others as well and they don’t really care what they say as long as they say what’s on their mind and not thinking of the consequences.

I wrote this thing in the school newspaper a few months ago about people comparing likes to their self worth and it’s lame. You kind of have low self esteem if you do that. Don’t do that. I feel like people take social media to serious and you need to understand that it’s a person behind a screen. What are they going to do cap lock you to death. Like, UGH YOU ARE SO ANNOYING!!!!! I know right (by the way your cap lock is on, just thought I would let you know). Don’t let social media become an unnecessary controlling factor in your life.

Free Blog

So on Friday I went to a lock-in at Zoah Christian Church and I got to be in Hell, literally a journey through hell. I found out that I was going to be in it about two minutes before it started. I got to be a pathological liar. Then there was this science guy who came in and everything in his presentation went completely over my head. Middle schoolers are very curious, curious to see how much trouble they could get in, curious to see how loud they could get when the “leaders” were talking, and curious to see if any of them could touch the guys on the stage in the band. I am really hoping that I wasn’t that way in middle school.

So Valentines Day is coming up and it is my moms birthday. She turns 61. I was talking to her in the car one day, and I told her how truly depressing valentines day is. Which reminds me when I went into Walmart looking for a new movie they have this section full of romances. My cousin was with me and she point at one of them and said how about this one? I looked at her and said, no romances are depressing and a random lady near us burst out laughing. Yeah she was married. I mean I choose to be single, there is just to much drama in high school relationships, and no offense to scottsburg but the guys here are irritating, handsome, but irritating. They just get on my last nerve and quickly and thats coming from someone with a bunch of dude friends and a person in engineering, so I know how they talk about women. Ladies there are a few good ones out there you just have to find them.

My Point of View

If I were a teacher it would be a day dream. I would probably be the coolest teacher ever. I would be able to teach and understand the teenagers because I would be a world history teacher in the high school. I would also love to do community projects to help them to become better people.

When I look at them it would be like they are my own children for that school year or sometimes up to four years. I think it would be great to be able to get to know them well, where they can tell me anything (appropriate). Then again that may be a bad thing as well because if anything were to happen to them it would destroy me and make me change my mind about a lot of things.

Watch Your Thoughts

I totally disagree with that quote. I have thoughts and they are just here then gone and it’s not like I’m going to act them out in any time. Some of my thoughts are so dumb and I do act them out but dumb thoughts turn into some of the best memories. Sometimes thoughts do turn into actions that are bad and then you regret them.

I don’t believe in destiny so this doesn’t really apply to me. I do believe in watching my words because they can have a huge affect on others. I also watch my actions but I guess not well enough were my parents can tell I’m rolling my eyes at them behind their back. My habits, well, I am trying to keep those good and change a few. Then character is something you don’t change everyday.


I get to free blog but what should I blog about? Let’s see here horrible weekend, church Sat. and Sunday, and anniversary of the worst day of my life. This weekend felt like the longest weekend ever. Now we are going to read more of The Fault in our Stars, it is depressing. There is something that I am happy about but I can’t tell you. Yep just a super long and super regular/normal weekend. My life is so dull and boring. Someone, anyone take me sky diving or bungee jumping!

So if my life wasn’t boring here is what I would be saying to you…..

Yes I went skydiving after school with Dr. Dre and Eminem. Then on Saturday I went bungee jumping and had tea with the queen. After tea with the queen she showed me the library in the palace and I sat there the rest of the night reading. I then woke up Sunday morning to being on top of a mountain in a resort and man it was just drop dead gorgeous. After I went skiing I then got to be the first to go in a time machine. Then I had a bad reaction to it and all of me landed in 1947 in the Holocaust it was horrible, but wait, where is my leg?!!!! Ahhhhhh!