Hitting Rock Bottom… Not.

Honestly found this to be a very personal thing for me. So I’m not going to share an experience, I’m going to share more my belief of hitting rock bottom. Honestly there have been many times when I have felt like I had hit rock bottom but then things would turn around and get worst or a different situation would come up. I think you hit rock bottom once in your life where you just say I need to change my act. For me though I figured out that when that day comes I will know because so far things have been good in certain parts but horrible in other parts.

You can definitely have different levels in which you hit rock bottom though. For me being the person I am would say rock bottom has not come yet and it will be very difficult for me to reach that point in my life because I see myself as a strong person just from past experiences. Then someone else who hasn’t been though things I have may find themselves in that situation and that will be their rock bottom. It all just depends, in my book, because everyone has their own limit.

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