I remember actually a few weeks ago I went to the Science Museum with my friend and her boyfriend and after we went to the waterfront. When we were at the waterfront a homeless guy with a cart came by and I took whatever money I had on me and without even thinking about it I went up and gave it to him. He then said thank you and asked me my name and a few other questions and pointing out that we were all young and shook my hand. He then went over to the car were my two friends were, and I was a little nerve never had met such a nice homeless person, and he asked there names and shook there hand. I was completely heartbroken. He was such a nice man that was completely out going and his name will forever be written on my heart: Damen. I hope I see him again and I hope that next time I could do more for him.

I actually have started Mrs. English’s challenge but I will not be doing it for the prize because I feel doing random acts of kindness and taking pictures completely defeats the purpose so I am not taking pictures. It definitely is a great idea though to get people to see how much of a difference they can make. I am definitely not saying that taking pictures is a bad thing it’s just my personal opinion and my morals that are taking me out of this challenge even though I’m still doing it.

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