Watch Your Thoughts

I totally disagree with that quote. I have thoughts and they are just here then gone and it’s not like I’m going to act them out in any time. Some of my thoughts are so dumb and I do act them out but dumb thoughts turn into some of the best memories. Sometimes thoughts do turn into actions that are bad and then you regret them.

I don’t believe in destiny so this doesn’t really apply to me. I do believe in watching my words because they can have a huge affect on others. I also watch my actions but I guess not well enough were my parents can tell I’m rolling my eyes at them behind their back. My habits, well, I am trying to keep those good and change a few. Then character is something you don’t change everyday.

5 thoughts on “Watch Your Thoughts”

  1. I like how you disagree with the quote and you’re not ashamed to say it. Although, I have to say I don’t agree with most of what you say. Which, I’m not here to judge, just here to start a conversation and to put in what I think and believe.
    First I feel like this quotes is telling you to watch your thoughts because they can turn into to words and they don’t all the time which is true but probably because you were watching what you might say. I don’t think it’s telling you not to make good, crazy memories it’s just trying to help you open your eyes and be more open to the things that you do that could possibly get you in a lot of trouble. This quote isn’t telling you to do this or that, it’s just simply saying watch what you do. 🙂


  2. I respect your view on this blog. I do understand where you are coming from when you talk about you just need to learn from your mistakes. I enjoyed reading and learned a different perspective, thank you for sharing!


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